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Free Towing & Diagnostic with Major Repair
24 Hour Service

Fast, Honest Auto Repairs in El Paso

Whether it’s time for routine car maintenance or you need an emergency transmission repair, Advanced Auto Service Center is your one-stop shop for reliable auto repairs in El Paso, Texas. Providing service to both foreign and domestic vehicles of all makes and models, we can assist with anything from scheduled maintenance and tune-ups to alignments, brake replacements and engine and diesel repairs. No matter the issue, we’ll work with you to find an auto repair solution that fits your budget.

At Advanced Auto Service Center, you can rest assured we’ll never try to pressure you into auto repair services you don’t need. We pride ourselves on providing fast, honest auto repairs at competitive prices. Many of our services can be completed while you wait. Contact us to schedule an auto repair at our El Paso auto service center today. We’ll have you back out on the road as quickly and as safely as possible!

Customer Reviews

Advanced Auto Service Center

11329 Pelicano Dr
El Paso, TX 79936


Hours of Operation

11329 Pelicano Dr., El Paso, TX 79936